Introduction to Covid 19 Issues
The world has gone through several epidemic in several ages starting from 1720 Plague which has taken lives of million people till the world of 2020 when the world has again seeing another pandemic Covid 19 which is known as the Novel Corona Virus. It is identified that the first incident of Novel Corona Virus was found in Huanan city of China. On the 31st December of 2019, 41 patients were found from acute pneumonia along with trouble in breathing and all of these people were mostly connected with the seafood market of China.
However, on 7th January Chinese authority has identified the new virus names nCoV or Novel CoronaVirus.
However, the spread of Covid 19 has started taking a toll from January 2020 and the first case outside of China was found in Thailand. However, as per current data it has been analyzed that the disease has spread in more than 70 countries among which few countries are severely affected due to Covid 19 epidemic (Lam, Yee Ki Dora and Tsz Ying Tracy, 156). It has been identified that even after such a low death rate of this virus several people are dying in different countries every day. Hence, the causes and other factors that can be considered are going to be described in further sections.
It has been identified that due to Covid 19 1,117,918 people are affected all over the world and the death toll has risen to the extent of 59,203 (World Health Organization, 2020). Hence, the severity of this virus can be analyzed well. However, in terms of analyzing the causes of Covid 19 several perspectives and facts can be identified. Several people have suggested that the sudden occurrence of Covid 19 is the result of natural detoxification. Several people have mentioned that after every 100 years any of the epidemic takes place due to which several people die and Covid 19 is categorized as one of those (World Health Organization, 2020). It is identified that, the SARS Cov 2 has been found in 1962 and people are also mentioning that the emergence of Covid 19 is the result of natural evolution as well.
I have identified that Covid 19 is one of the most fatal virus which are airborne and can be spread due to touching. The records have suggested that if a Covid 19 start spreading in a country in Geometric progress it becomes uncontrollable to stop the spread (Chen, 810). It has been identified that death toll in Italy is severe and it has reached the maximum numbers as well.
Main causes
Role of belief of nature: As per the reports on Covid 19 it has been analyzed that it is a respiratory infection that is transmitted via different size droplets. It has been identified that due to close contact with other people these droplets can be transmitted as well. It can be found in the dialogues of Platonism as well. Further assessment has suggested that in the
Republic which is written by Plato it is suggested that the regime of nature proper several differences through the ages (Cicero, 158). The philosophy has suggested that when the world or nature cannot take the huge load of earth different epidemics take place which eventually results is severity. Similarly, The beginners of Western Science has focused on theoretical classification of different incidents that take place in world.
Role of scientific knowledge: It is identified that in terms of the causes of Covid 19 it is important for a person to acknowledge the scientific factors of this virus. It has been also evacuated through On the Origin of Species in which Charles Darwin has states several facts on the mortality and immortality in the world (Darwin, 202). Darwin has been considered as the father of evolution and his theory has largely helped in understanding the concepts of life, immortality and mortality. The theory which is discussed in the Origin of Species has helped several people in understanding the relation between scientific logic and theory in the business world (Pan et al. 100370). However, Darwin’s theory has discussed two major aspects. Firstly, he has mentioned that diverse sections of animals often evolve from one common ancestor; however, few other groups can also be identified. Secondly, the theory has suggested that all of the evolutions in terms of mechanisms that are taking place in this world are selection of nature.
Thus the theory of Darwin has effectively help in understanding that Covid 19 is also a result of natural selection. Although it has been categorized as a manmade pandemic, however, the scientific knowledge and theories are suggesting that no such evolution can take place in the world unless nature is involved. Similarly, it can be relate to the crisis of Covid 19 in which it can be seen that within a month of one or two whole world is diseased and most of the countries are under lockdown so that the spread of this virus can be controlled. The reading of this paper by Charles Darwin has helped in understanding that it is important for the people all over the world to identify the evolutionary biology and consider the species that can result into fatal consequences (Zhou et al. 986).
Role of human values: In the saddening days of Covid 19 epidemic different people are providing different perspectives and most of the people are scare to death for their lives (Bai et al. 231). However, the paper of Sivin, Why the Scientific Revolution Did Not Take Place in China has helped in understanding that scientific reasons behind the delayed revolution and he has also elaborated several reasons for that.
It has been identified that several countries in current times are in severe condition and more than 1000 patients are dying every day in more than one country. However, a severe incident was happened first in China and from different news it was known to people all over the world that the disease is spreading through social gathering and close contacts. However, the next country which was affected due to Covid 19 is Italy and Spain (Chen et al. 814). It has been identified that after the first few cases the government has not taken any initiative to stop the spreading of the virus. Moreover, it has been identified the spreads increase in different stages and the first two stages can be controllable. However, once it reaches the third stage which is known as community transmission, it cannot be controlled any further.
The same thing has been happened in Italy, it is identified that the last soccer match in which more than 40,000 people were gathered after the identification of this virus. After a few days of this match the number of people affected in this virus has started growing further. Hence, the government understood that the stage 3 of this disease has started and community transmission has started as well. Thus, it could be mentioned that the government should have postponed the match during the pandemic. Such severity could have been avoided in such case.
Another major case in which due to lack of attention several people are dying every day is the case of America. It has been identified that in the beginning when only few patients of Covid 19 were found, the PM and government of America has mentioned that their medical system is quite advanced and strong. Hence, the country is going to deal with this disease. However, similar as Italy, stage 3 of this pandemic has also started taking place in America and New York is found to be the most affected city (Gao et al. 156). Hence, in here it can also be mentioned that after seeing the severity in China these countries and the government has not taken sufficient steps to control the situation and their overconfidence has resulted in death of many people.
It has been effectively assessed in the paper that scientific revolution did take its place in China after 18th Century, however, it has been also identified that due to the spread of Covid 19 from China several rumors are also taking place. On the other hand, the papers written by Sivin are helping in understanding the values of human in human world (Pan et al. 2020).
Possible Solutions
Several researches after the spread of Covid 19 have suggested few solutions that can help in stopping the virus from transmission. It is identified that the government of different countries are announcing different precautions so that the spread of this virus can be controlled. Hence it is important for the people who belong from the countries which are now affected through Covid 19 to stay at home and maintain the distance with family member as well. Several countries have proven that social distancing is one of the major steps that have helped the countries in controlling the disease. However, depending on the situations of few countries it can be stated to the countries which are still at stage 2, the government is required to act responsibly. It is identified that the disease is spreading through social gathering and close contacts and thus the government is required to take enough initiatives in order to ensure that people of a country are saved. Furthermore, the country men are required to be responsible as well. Unless all of the people are paying attention to their responsibility spreading of this virus can be stopped.
People are also required to use alcohol based hand sanitizer so that it becomes easier for the organization to focus on the guidelines and instructions that are given by the government of different countries. It has been identified scientifically that use of alcohol in hand sanitizers helps in killing the virus. Moreover, government and doctors have also suggested wearing a mask if there is a need to go out. This way it can be easier for the people to survive the situation (Chen et al. 814). However, proper solution to control the virus is not been invented yet and thus it is important for a person to follow the precautions.
This essay has focused on the crisis of Covid 19 which is identified as the pandemic of 2020. It is identified through the progress in this essay that the virus has started spreading from the Huanan, the city of China. Due to the fatality of Covid 19 several people have died in 3 months. The count has risen up till 59, 000 and still counting. It is identified that the disuse has spread in more than 70 countries.
However, in order to identify the main causes of this virus evolution several aspects are analyzed. For example, the role of nature in the evolution of this virus has helped in understanding that the world also has its resistant power and when the time comes nature creates species that cannot be controlled with science or medicines. Rather people are staying at their home and nature is becoming pollution free. It has helped in understanding the solutions that are required to be performed in order to control the spread of Covid 19.
Works Cited
Cicero, Marcus Tullius. The Republic. BoD–Books on Demand, 2018.
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Online article
Bai, Yan, et al. "Presumed asymptomatic carrier transmission of COVID-19." Jama (2020). [Online] Retrieved from: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2762028 [Retrieved on 4th April 2020]